Camel Jockeys

January 23, 2010

Chinese tourists take some hairy camels out for a spin. - Dunhuang, Gansu, China - Daily Travel Photos
(Dunhuang, Gansu, China)
f/4.5 ▪ 1/640s ▪ @32.22mm ▪ ISO ▪ Canon PowerShot S1 IS ▪ Lens n/a
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Chinese tourists take double-humped camels out for a spin around the Singing Sand Dunes of Dunhuang.

As exotic and fun as camel riding may appear, a 5 minute ride turns out to be approximately 4 minutes too long. The constant rocking on a bony camel back proves painful even after a few feet of motion. Soon afterwards, the lack of stirrups or a handlebar and the persistent readjustment of your body position proves too uncomfortable for some. I lasted 10 minutes then ultimately preferred to walk alongside my trusty beast of burden.

dunhuang desert camels
A caravan of western tourists on a two-day camel safari. - Sahara Desert, Morocco - Daily Travel Photos
(Sahara Desert, Morocco)
f/4.5 ▪ 0.025 s (1/39)s ▪ @5.8mm ▪ ISO160 ▪ MX-1200 ▪ Lens n/a
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A caravan of western tourists on a two-day camel safari through the Sahara desert. -

Saturdays come so quickly! The running tradition continues: non-India photo weekends. Tune in Monday for another India photo.

sahara desert camel rides

1 Comment - Camel Jockeys

1) 5600k -

Love the first image.. wow!

February 8, 2010