Typical Topography

September 16, 2011

Path Carved into High Seaside Cliff Along Ocean - Dongyin, Matsu Islands, Taiwan - Daily Travel Photos
(Dongyin, Matsu Islands, Taiwan)
f/11 ▪ 1/250s ▪ @19mm ▪ ISO200 ▪ Canon 5D ▪ Canon 17-40mm f/4
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Tourists walk along a high cliff path above the ocean in Dongyin, Matsu Islands, Taiwan

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My overall memory of the Matsu islands will be views like this of nearly untouched natural beauty shared with few other tourists. The three people you see in the photo are in my party. Otherwise, however, on most days, it was rare to see anyone but occasional small batches of backpacking Taiwanese travelers.

dongyin matsu
Natural Seaside Cliffs Landscape End of Military Tunnel - Dongyin, Matsu Islands, Taiwan - Daily Travel Photos
(Dongyin, Matsu Islands, Taiwan)
f/11 ▪ 1/160s ▪ @17mm ▪ ISO200 ▪ Canon 5D ▪ Canon 17-40mm f/4
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A scenic outlet to one of many military tunnels, now used as tourist attractions, on Dongyin island.

dongyin island coast