
April 16, 2009

The forked tongue of a Komodo dragon at Komodo National Park. - Komodo Island, Indonesia - Daily Travel Photos
(Komodo Island, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia)
f/6.3 ▪ 1/500s ▪ @200mm ▪ ISO400 ▪ Canon 350D ▪ Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8
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A Komodo Dragon sniffs the air with its tongue.

Factoid: A lone female Komodo Dragon can lay viable eggs without copulating with a male. The young, in turn, are able to produce their own offspring, giving rise to a new colony of Komodo Dragons.

komodo dragon tongue

1 Comment - Forked

1) Jenny -

Look at the eyes. It looks like they want to eat some people. hahah. just kidding. is this dangerous? Scary. :(

June 12, 2009