Fossil Finds

October 2, 2010

Flaming cliffs, famous for the discovery of dinosaur fossils and eggs - Bayanzag, Gobi Desert, Mongolia - Daily Travel Photos
(Bayanzag, Gobi Desert, Mongolia)
f/5 ▪ 1/640s ▪ @22mm ▪ ISO100 ▪ Canon 5D ▪ Canon 17-40mm f/4
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The Flaming Cliffs of the Gobi Desert, a region famous for the discovery of dinosaur fossils and eggs (ARCHIVED PHOTO - on the weekends).

flaming cliffs mongolia
Flaming cliffs in a region famous for the discovery of the world's first fossilized dinosaur eggs. - Bayanzag, Gobi Desert, Mongolia - Daily Travel Photos
(Bayanzag, Gobi Desert, Mongolia)
f/6.3 ▪ 1/320s ▪ @32mm ▪ ISO100 ▪ Canon 5D ▪ Canon 17-40mm f/4
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A closeup of the Flaming Cliffs in a region famous for the discovery of the world's first fossilized dinosaur eggs (ARCHIVED PHOTO - on the weekends).
