Forbidden Entry

October 16, 2010

Sunset at the entrance to the Forbidden City - Beijing, China - Daily Travel Photos
(Beijing, China)
f/4 ▪ 1/40s ▪ @17mm ▪ ISO400 ▪ Canon 5D ▪ Canon 17-40mm f/4
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Sunset at the entrance to the Forbidden City (ARCHIVED PHOTO on the weekends - originally taken 2007/08/09).

When everyone is smushed up against each other watching the flag lowering ceremony (behind me), you have the run of the Forbidden City to yourself, hence, a photo with nary a soul to clutter it up.

forbidden city entrance
An over-sized portrait of Mao above the tunnel entrance to the Forbidden City - Beijing, China - Daily Travel Photos
(Beijing, China)
f/2.8 ▪ 1/320s ▪ @200mm ▪ ISO400 ▪ Canon 5D ▪ Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8
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An over-sized portrait of Mao above the tunnel entrance to the Forbidden City (ARCHIVED PHOTO on the weekends - originally taken 2007/08/09).

Accurate down to the conspicuous mole slightly above his chin.

mao portrait forbidden city