Ice Intro's

November 22, 2011

Geneva-Servette Wild Eagles Ice Hockey Player Introductions with Pyrotechnics  - Geneva, Switzerland - Daily Travel Photos
(Geneva, Switzerland)
f/4.5 ▪ 1/500s ▪ @146mm ▪ ISO1600 ▪ Canon 5D ▪ Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8
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A Geneva-Servette, "Wild Eagle" skates onto the ice during pyrotechnic-enhanced introductions.

Outside of travel and photography, I'd list ice hockey as a close third of my greatest interests. So when I discovered that Geneva had a professional hockey team with a smattering of ex-NHL players, I was all over that like stink on a turd. Frankly, I wasn't expecting too much so I was surprised to discover the skill level to be astonishingly good. There definitely wasn't as much aggression and physicality like the NHL but there was far less of the clutching and grabbing that mar the North American games. Add to that, a larger skating surface and you see some great finesse hockey, a real joy to watch! Personally, I can do without the pyrotechnics though.

swiss ice hockey
Geneva-Servette Professional Ice Hockey Player Joins Waiting Teammates during Introductions - Geneva, Switzerland - Daily Travel Photos
(Geneva, Switzerland)
f/4.5 ▪ 1/500s ▪ @117mm ▪ ISO1600 ▪ Canon 5D ▪ Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8
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Teammates await the introduction of a player at a Geneva-Servette ice hockey game.

More ice hockey photos to come tomorrow!

switzerland ice hockey