Urban Plateaus

September 27, 2009

Powell Street Cable Car Night Light Trails - San Francisco, California, USA - Daily Travel Photos
(San Francisco, California, USA)
f/22 ▪ 17s ▪ @97mm ▪ ISO100 ▪ Canon 350D ▪ Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8
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Non-Korea-photo Sundays... the tradition continues.

The lights of the Powell Street cable car mix with a hodgepodge of transportation struggling up downtown San Francisco's punishing inclines. May the heavens have mercy on your soul if you drive in San Francisco with a manual transmission.

san francisco night post street traffic
Powell Street Car Light Trails Hill - San Francisco, California, USA - Daily Travel Photos
(San Francisco, California, USA)
f/32 ▪ 27s ▪ @200mm ▪ ISO100 ▪ Canon 350D ▪ Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8
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Plateauing headlight trails on Powell Street.

These are some of the first pictures I took with my initial DSLR camera (f/32! What was I thinking!?). However, it wasn't the thrill of taking long exposure photos that I recall, but instead how freezing cold it was this night. Don't be fooled, people. Just because San Francisco is in "sunny" California, doesn't mean it's warm.

san francisco night long exposure hill