Stockade Stare

October 11, 2011

Tourists Looking at Far Away Alcatraz Prison View on Hyde Street - San Francisco, California, USA - Daily Travel Photos
(San Francisco, California, USA)
f/7.1 ▪ 1/640s ▪ @200mm ▪ ISO320 ▪ Canon 5D ▪ Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8
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Tourists on Hyde Street stare at Alcatraz Prison in San Francisco.

The compressing effects of using a 200mm lens makes Alcatraz Island appear fairly close to the peak point of Hyde Street.

high view alcatraz island

1 Comment - Stockade Stare

1) villa mallorca -

Adorable capture!! I love the scenic view of this picture. The clouds are making this picture more beautiful. It is the best picture to attract tourists.

October 13, 2011